Clover Amour Crochet Hooks – ATELIER YARNS


Clover Amour Crochet Hooks Amour Crochet Hooks are incredibly soft and allow the yarn to slide effortlessly as you stitch. Each size has a different brightly colored handle, making it easy to identify sizes at a glance. The handle is made of

Clover Amour Crochet Hooks

Amour Crochet Hooks are incredibly soft and allow the yarn to slide effortlessly as you stitch. Each size has a different brightly colored handle, making it easy to identify sizes at a glance. The handle is made of elastomer rubber, for a comfortable easy grip.

We have individual hooks available in 16 sizes, from B (2.25mm) through 12mm.

The Gift Set includes 10 sizes, B (2.25mm) through J (6mm) and a zippered carrying case to help keep your hooks organized!

Clover Amour Crochet Hooks Amour Crochet Hooks are incredibly soft and allow the yarn to slide effortlessly as you stitch. Each size has a different brightly colored handle, making it easy to identify sizes at a glance. The handle is made of elastomer rubber, for a comfortable easy grip. We have individual hooks available in 16 sizes, from B (2.25mm) through 12mm. The Gift Set includes 10 sizes, B (2.25mm) through J (6mm) and a zippered carrying case to help keep your hooks organized!

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Clover 3672 Amour Crochet Hook Set, 10 sizes

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Clover Amour Soft Touch Crochet Hook Coloured All Sizes 0.6mm to 15mm Knitting

Clover Amour Soft Touch Crochet Hook Coloured All Sizes 0.6mm to 15mm Knitting

Clover Amour Crochet Hooks – ATELIER YARNS

Amour Crochet Hook (12 mm) – Clover Needlecraft, Inc., 12mm Crochet Hook

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Amour Crochet Hook K (6.5mm) – Clover Needlecraft, Inc.

Clover Soft Touch Crochet Hooks – ATELIER YARNS, Clover Crochet Hooks Sets

Amour Crochet Hooks - Clover – gather here online

€ 8.00EUR
puntaje 4.5(321)
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